Saturday, August 23, 2014

An Ode to the Ladies VII

Jun-Season 4

This list would be woefully incomplete without Jun. The fear of floaters in Big Brother 16 is so overblown. Maybe they just don’t do anything. Some of these people are just weak players. Coasters, if you will. Just like alliance members, there are strong floaters and weak floaters. Jun is undoubtedly the former. She practically invented the strategy. As is proven by besting the doubters her season. Her and Alison both, as a matter of fact. She was going to go in there, lay low, and cook for people. That did not mean that she was unaware. She went where the power was and it worked. If it was exes she was with them. If not then she bounced back. Her diary room sessions proved that she had a good grasp on what was happening in terms of relationships in the house. I’m glad that years later the general rhetoric surrounding Jun has changed from what a bitch to what a good player. 

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