Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Most Memorable BB Hair

You'll notice that there is plenty of pink

 Brittany-The Original

Dr Will-The Fluff




Jase-Spent so much time on it that I felt obligated to include him on this list


 Rachel-As famous as she is


 Jenn-Cool City


 Joey-Blue Pony


 Frankie-Pink Pony

Personality Quizzes

I'm happy with this result!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Totally Twisted Summer

With the same core group in power all summer, fans are wondering what will propel the season forward.  One component of the show under review is the HOH twist. When will it come to an end? Soon there will be too few contestants to continue without nominating half the house.

The twist certainly shook things up. It forced nominees to work together who would potentially have to campaign against each other. It also had the potential to create double the enemies for the dethroned HOH. Neither of those things has happened to the extent they could have. Instead, contestants have talked about throwing the BOB competition left and right. The HOH is more willing to put up allies in hopes of losing and getting the other set of contestants out. So far we have only seen the two HOH’s work together. While this is sensible, it would be interesting to see what happened when two enemies who disagreed both had the position. And while the back door isn’t the only door, it has remained a topic of discussion to a larger degree. Those who can take themselves off the block have two chances to do so. This forces the HOH to be more careful.